Mill Lane, Beckermet, Cumbria, CA21 2YD

01946 841221


Beckermet C of E Primary School

Let your light shine

Year 5 and 6 Home Learning

Home Learning Monday 27th January

  Morning everyone.  Hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready to get going!


Let's start the day by reading independently for 20 minutes. See if you can recall the main events from the chapters you've read. Doing this will really help your retrieval skills!



Today I want you to write at least half a page or more on what you think will happen in the Nowhere Emporium story.......I want you to predict what will happen

To further extend this, I'd like you to think of the most unusual object you might discover in the Emporium and draw it adding a detailed description.  Remember let's be adventurous with our word choices and push ourselves to ad detail and description.



We are going to continue to explore long multiplication and division.

Year 5 Sheet 1       Sheet 2

Year 6 Sheet 1      Sheet 2


At the heart of the Passover celebration is freedom,

Today I would like you to explore what freedom is by answering these questions:

What does it mean to be free?

How does it feel to be free?

What does it mean if you're not free?

How does it feel if you are not free?

Why might a persons freedom be taken away from them ?  For example if the had committed a serious crime..

Some people aren't free due to poverty or this right? Why ? Why not?

Why is the freedom to choose important?

Now I would like you to create a poster demonstrating what freedom means to you.



I would like you to set up your own shadow experiments.  You will need a torch of some kind.

Explore what factors affect size and shape of the shadow.

Draw a scientific diagram to show what you have done.  Remember what we have been doing in class.

Home learning for Friday 24th January 2025

Start the day by reading independently for 20 minutes. See if you can recall the main events from the chapters you've read. Doing this will really help your retrieval skills!


Maths today is a mix of multiplication and division. Click here for the Year 5 work. Click here for the Year 6 work.

Remember that these are multi-step problems so you might need to do more than one operation before you get the answer!

Year 5 can do some additional practice here.

Year 6 children can also login to SATs Boot Camp and go through any of the multiplication and division revision topics, as well as doing any of the practice arithmetic papers.


Your English work this week is about the use of the apostrophe for possession. 

Year 5 click here for the presentation.

Year 5 click here for your activity sheet. Now, think about what belongs to people in your house. Think about the objects in your house. Using the possessive apostrophe accurately for singular and plural nouns, write a paragraph about your surroundings. Take care with your handwriting!


Today Year 6 are looking at using an apostrophe to show a plural of something.

Click here for your presentation.

 Click here for your activity sheet. Can you apply your knowledge now? Login to SATs Boot Camp and do the apostrophe revision topic.

Next challenge yourself with some practice questions or a SPaG test!


If school had been open you would have been doing History all afternoon. So, Mrs Cuss would like you to choose an aspect of the Vikings that appeals to you.

Here are some ideas that might help you to decide...Viking homes, weapons, trade routes, settlements, might have your own idea.

Next, we want you to do a mini-project on your chosen area. This can be a leaflet, a booklet or a poster. Mrs Cuss would love to put some of them on our Viking display in the classroom!

Here are some websites that might be useful: BBC Bitesize, School Learning Zone, Britannica Kids, Primary Homework Help, Royal Museums Greenwich

If you're stuck on anything, you could message Mrs Cuss on Classdojo!


Have a great day and most importantly stay safe!!