See what is going on in Year 5 and 6
Autumn 2024
The highlight of our Autumn term was the World War Two residential that we went on in November! We were 'evacuated' to Keswick train station where we were net by the Home Guard!
After some instruction in marching, we were then marched through Keswick before being transported to Hawse End.
On our arrival we were issued with ration books and ID cards, the latter having to be kept with us at all times!
We did some codebreaking, a search and rescue mission, air raid shelter building and we even walked up Catbells! Oh, and there was an air raid!
The food was fantastic and the children were great...even though bed making left a little to be desired!!
Spring 2024
This term our Science work focuses on Evolution and Inheritance. In English, our high quality text is "Darwin's Dragons." The book is part fiction but has a lot of accurate scientific and geographic facts in too. We're really enjoying reading it!! This work has crossed over into our RE curriculum too. We had a very healthy debate in class about Darwinism and the theory of evolution, alongside Genesis and the Creation story. Many Christian people were so outraged by Darwin's theory that they tried to ban the publication of his work.
Autumn 2023
Imran visited our school today. He helped us to explore the different prophets in the Qur'an. Imran did this through stories and questions. It's very interesting to learn about different religions and what their daily lives involve.
We all enjoyed International Day of Peace in September. We had a class discussion on peace in the world. We designed and created our own peace tiles using was rather messy at times! We also wrote some peace prayers which we shared with the rest of our school family. It really was a lovely day.
We liked it when our parents called in to see what we were doing in the classroom. They got involved with our RE work too. We also raised money for the Macmillan Charity.
Mrs Elder came in to help us celebrate Poetry Day on the 5th of October. We really enjoyed working with her and created our own class poem about our safe spaces in school.
We helped to lead a poignant Remembrance Day Service in school this week. The poppies made by each class, by every child, were beautiful and made a stunning focal point to help us remember.
This week we celebrated the Feast of Hannukah. In Year 5 and 6 we created our own menorahs using natural and recycled materials. We researched different Hannuakah customs in different countries too. We loved playing the Driedel game...especially as there were sweets for the winners!!
We enjoy making our Christingles every year. This year, we helped the younger children in our school family to make their Christingles too.
Every year we plan the Christmas Fayre and this year was our best yet we think!! We put lots of thought and effort into our stalls and were great at selling on the day too!
We finished the Autumn term with our Christmas party. We had a great time and there were some very competitive games too! We're all really looking forward to spending this peaceful time of year with our families.
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We had an amazing day at The Beacon on Tuesday!!
We found out lots of interesting information about Copeland during the war years and were able to handle different artefacts from the war too.
The Roman exhibition was great too...worth a visit!!
This morning we used our knowledge of circuits to create Steady Hand Games or Electronic Quiz Board Games. We then had to draw the correct circuit diagrams.
Today we discussed how the things we do in school help us to get better at 7 key skills which will help us succeed in all areas of our lives.
We designed our own crests which reflected what we like doing and how we like to spend our time.
We had an amazing morning at West Lakes Academy just before Christmas! We were exploring how much force it takes to make a party popper explode!!
We learned how to use safety equipment and how to make the investigation fair.
Some of our party poppers didn't pop at all and we ran out of weights to add!!
We put our data onto graphs when we got back to school.
We had a brilliant time working on our Lego Challenge!! We found out which of us were great leaders in the process!
This half-term we are trying to make an automata window display!
We've been through the planning stages and have just started the actual construction.
Keep watching to see how we get on!
Our Science topic this half-term is Forces.
We had great fun exploring how many Newtons different classroom objects were!
There were some surprises!
I had some new Teaching Assistants helping to deliver the football lesson this afternoon!
They were amazing and the rest of the class gave very positive feedback after the lesson!
There might be a couple more volunteers later in the year!
We had a great afternoon with Bill talking about what careers we might follow when we are older!
The best bit was the Lego competition! We were challenged to build the tallest tower that we could.
We decided that girls seem to have more success because they think about it a bit more than boys!
Sarah Dodd came to visit us at school today. She's an author and she lives in Lancashire. Her latest book is 'the Keeper of Secrets'.
We had a great discussion about our views on the re-introduction of lynx into the wild in some areas of the UK.
Sarah's visit definitely gave us food for thought!